This blog is about my bull MetalBuck, I intend to keep a log of all the things about it in here.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Small initial modifications

As soon as I laid my hands on MetalBuck I knew its persona will demand strong horns - so I equipped it with Bosch twin horns, which sound great with MetalBuck's 14 Ampere battery. This is change no. 1.

I got Metalbuck around 5 PM, 3rd oct 2006 - Got it home and opened up MetalBuck's toolbox - took out the allen keys and removed the backrest. To make it look different from the rest of the bulls, and also because I would not require it. I go solo on most of the rides, and if I require then I can fit it in within 2-3 minutes. All said and done - it looks great without the backrest.

To add to it, I put a red background BN bikenomads sticker on the backside of the seat.


The next modification due on the list is 1. Changing the headlamp 2. Putting a sigma meter, Jayan has one which he is not using and not intending to use so I will buy it from him and put on MetalBuck.

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